
Posts tagged with Mobile Money

Mobile money enabled cash assistance: User journeys in Burundi


How can humanitarian organisations and mobile money providers optimise their cash programming, enhance the user experience, and unlock the wide-ranging benefits of digital and financial inclusion? GSMA provides an answer using findings from a study of beneficiaries of a mobile money-enabled cash and voucher assistance programme in Burundi. The report provide insights into key recipient

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Measuring the influence of financial services on reaching the SDGs


The authors share results and learnings from the UNCDF Impact Pathways tool which provides a way to measure how investments in the digital economy can benefit individuals and ultimately contribute to meeting the SDGs. The Impact Pathways tool has been used across two mobile money providers and two banks in Zambia, Fiji, the Solomon Islands

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Beyond one billion: The evolution of Africa’s growing mobile money market – Part 1


Using findings of the 2019 State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money, the authors dig into Arica’s impressive mobile money growth. The authors note that 2019 saw a pivotal shift in the use cases of mobile money across the continent and for the first time, digital transactions made up the majority of African mobile

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Tracking Mobile Money Regulatory Responses to COVID-19 – Part 2


GSMA developed a COVID-19 Response Tracker to monitor mobile money-specific regulatory, policy, government, and provider interventions globally.  In earlier insights from the tracker, GSMA noted that fee waivers, increasing transaction and balance limits, flexible KYC and on-boarding, and social and humanitarian transfers were the most commonly used regulatory measures to fight the immediate impact of

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MTN MoMo Pay Merchant Payments: Expanding women’s Mobile Money use in Ghana


MTN Ghana launched a merchant payment service in January 2017 called MoMo Pay to increase mobile money use in markets and drive financial inclusion. BFA Global designed and coordinated a case study, together with GSMA, to assesses the impact of MoMo Pay on female merchants and customers in Ghana. The study includes key takeaways relevant

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Tracking mobile money regulatory responses to COVID-19


GSMA’s COVID-19 Response Tracker that monitors mobile money-specific regulatory policy, government, and provider interventions globally, is now public. The tracker which is updated weekly collates data from 32 countries, spread across Sub-Saharan Africa (17), East Asia & Pacific (7), South Asia (4), Middle East & North Africa (3), and Latin America & Caribbean (1).  Key

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The GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab launches an industry-leading Interoperability Test Platform for financial inclusion


On July 1, the GSMA Inclusive Tech Lab launched the Interoperability Test Platform, a free and open-source end-to-end test facility for mobile money providers and service providers.  According to GSMA, this is the industry’s first joint test environment combining two key technologies: the GSMA Mobile Money API and Mojaloop, an open source code, developed to

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Mobile money driving formalisation and building the resilience of MSMEs


In recognition of the Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day- June 27- GSMA published a briefing note exploring how mobile money can help informal MSMEs access financial services and overcome some of the barriers to entering the formal economy. The note also discusses the pivotal role mobile money can play in helping MSMEs survive the

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How Is the Pandemic Affecting Agents? Here’s What Providers Tell Us


Over the last few months, CGAP has been asking mobile money operators, digital banks, fintechs and other DFS providers across Asia and Africa how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting their agent networks. Two key findings  COVID-19 is changing DFS transaction types, which could force providers to revisit pricing and fee strategies. There has been a

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Tracking the journey towards mobile money interoperability: Emerging evidence from six markets: Tanzania, Pakistan, Madagascar, Ghana, Jordan and Uganda


GSMA’s new report features the interoperability journeys and lessons of six countries. It focuses on mobile money integrations between MMPs and also offers insights into the experiences of these markets, which are at different stages of an interoperability process.   The report highlights how industry leaders in markets such as Tanzania and Madagascar proactively pursued mobile

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