Young entrepreneurs will be more likely to succeed if they are provided with integrated services that empower them with the technical know-how to put their business ideas into practice, the business acumen and soft skills to make that practice profitable and the financial savvy to identify and leverage financial services that will allow them to
By pooling resources, cloud providers allow financial institutions to avoid the heavy investments otherwise needed to store, manage, and process data by storing, managing, and processing this data over the internet. But the cloud comes with risks as CGAP notes in its recent evaluation “Regulator’s Friend or Foe?” Read more
CGAP recently partnered with the Busara Center for Behavioural Economics to find out how low-income Kenyans use M-PESA. Findings highlighted that M-PESA remains primarily a payments tool while users save elsewhere, digital credit does not stay digital for long, and the average user saw 2 to 5 agents for deposits compared to 10 to 20