
Posts tagged with Methods

Getting off the methods pedestal—how can we assess the impact of Digital Finance on clients?

Niamh Barry

Snapshot 15:’ “Approaches to determining the impact of digital finance programs” addresses one of the key questions of FiDA’s 16 Learning Themes. The FiDA Partnership synthesizes the digital finance community’s knowledge of these Learning Themes as “Snapshots” that cover topics at the client, institution, ecosystem, and impact levels. Spoiler: Snapshot 15: “Approaches to determining the

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Is digital finance changing the lives of the “excluded” for the better?

Niamh Barry

Snapshot 4: “How do advances in digital finance interact with dynamics of exclusion?” addresses one of the key questions of FiDA’s Learning Themes. The FiDA Partnership synthesizes the digital finance community’s knowledge of these Learning Themes as “Snapshots” that cover topics at the client, institution, ecosystem, and impact levels to present “current insights” about the

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Synthesizing impact evidence for digital finance—our methodology

Niamh Barry

The Digital Finance Evidence Gap Map (EGM) Methodology Paper is a companion to the interactive EGM. The EGM summarises the evidence of the effects of digital finance products on various clients, their households, and their communities. Systematic reviews can take several forms. However the use of logical and transparent methods to identify and assess studies

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