
Posts tagged with Evidence Gap Map

Digital Payments and Transfers (P2P): The evolving story of how and when digital payment products work

Niamh Barry

Last year we shared the impact story so far on person-to-person payments and transfers (P2P). The latest update of the EGM has folded in three additional P2P studies.

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Digital credit — The evolving story of how and when digital credit products work

Niamh Barry

New credit studies contribute to previous insights relating to the use of SMS for improved borrowing behavior and add new insights on longer-term outcomes where very few previously existed.

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Digital savings — The evolving story of how and when digital savings products work

Niamh Barry

Gaps in our knowledge remain in product design and delivery, markets, and clients segments; by filling these gaps and improving how digital savings products are tested, the digital savings community will be able to develop better products and deliver them more effectively.

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Inching closer to understanding the digital finance impact question

Niamh Barry

As impact evidence grows, so should our understanding of the impact of various digital finance products on low income users. We've launched the third addition of our EGM, revealing new insights with almost double the studies since 2017.

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Wrapping up the Evidence Gap Map impact insights series—The value of community and conversation

Niamh Barry

The FiDA partnership launched version 2.0 of the Digital Finance Evidence Gap Map (EGM) in October 2018. With 55 studies examining 60 products, there are many insights to navigate. To show the types of analysis the EGM makes possible, we published a number of impact insights on a range of topics.

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Four things to be aware of in the search for digital finance impact

Niamh Barry

In previous insight pieces on savings, credit, and, Person-to-Person (P2P) transfers, we synthesized what we learned from studies in the Digital Finance Evidence Gap Map (EGM) using a product lens. However, the product lens is just one perspective, and the digital finance impact landscape is more varied and layered than this. Here we share four factors that digital finance researchers should consider when testing the impact of a digital finance product.

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Digital payments and transfers—the P2P impact story

Niamh Barry

There were 690 million registered mobile money accounts as of December 2017. The digitization of a pre-existing behavior—sending and receiving money—is clearly valued in many markets. The digital finance community now has more than 10 years of person to person (P2P) experience on which to reflect: What have we learned about the impact of P2P on clients?

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Digital Credit—What do we know about the impact on clients?

Niamh Barry

This post has been co-authored by Niamh Barry from the FiDA Partnership, and Natasha Beale, Carson Christiano, and Alexandra Wall from the Digital Credit Observatory (DCO) at the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA).

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Digital savings—what do we know about the impact on clients?

Niamh Barry

FiDA is publishing a mini series on various insights derived from an analysis of the latest Evidence Gap Map (EGM) update. This is the second blog, others will include impact insights on digital credit and payments and transfers, the design and delivery of various products, and where (people and location) we have been looking for impacts.

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Launching the Digital Finance Evidence Gap Map 2.0

Niamh Barry

FiDA launched the first Digital Finance Evidence Gap Map (EGM) in November 2017 with 40 studies, covering 41 different products. A year on, the EGM includes 55 studies, covering 60 products. Each year reveals more insights on the impact of various digital finance products.

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