
Posts tagged with

GSMA’s Payments as a Platform: the future of Mobile Money

Abi Birrell

Nika Naghavi from GSMA and Arunjay Katakum share their work on Payments as a Platform: For over a decade, mobile money has been driving financial inclusion, opening access to digital transactions and giving people the tools to better manage their financial lives. While mobile money has taken us a long way in a relatively short

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Micro-entrepreneurs in a Platform Era

Abi Birrell

We talked to 27 micro-entrepreneurs in Kenya about how they use platforms (from social media sites to e-commerce marketplaces and online freelancing websites) in their day-to-day business. The platform practices these conversations revealed include: the prevalence of social media use, the intermingling of online and offline worlds, the adjustments made to tweak online credibility, and the unique approaches to upskilling. Platform product designers should

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