5 Stories by DFI

From Cauliflower to Unicorns: Five Lessons from Five Years as a Startup

Gavin Krugel co-founder and the Chief Executive Officer at Digital Frontiers writes about the institute’s five-year journey, the merger with CGAP’s Gateway Academy and...
0 8 sec read

DFI Measurement and Impact Report 2019

DFI shares the results of an independent assessment of its impact on practitioners, institutions, and countries. The case studies include two countries (Zambia and...
0 12 sec read

DFS Ecosystem Partnerships for Financial Inclusion in Zimbabwe

To enhance our financial services and in order to reach the marginalised, it is imperative that we make an effort to create a digital...
0 15 sec read

Lending in the golden data age: Are traditional lenders i.e. banks and credit unions losing ground to Fintech lenders?

The emergence of Fintech lenders has created a rift and a warzone between traditional lenders and fintech lenders, with banks and credit unions questioning...
0 19 sec read

The Unheard Cry of a Female Mobile Money Agent in Zambia

Walking along the streets of Lusaka Zambia, you see mobile money kiosks on almost every corner of popular streets. The roads are filled with...
0 14 sec read